Sunday, April 1, 2012

Pulled Pork via Boston Butt

Stump's Smoker 42x6 offset model
  • Take pork butt and moisten with a few shakes of Worcestershire sauce, if you don't have any you can use yellow mustard or even nothing at all.  BBQ is fairly forgiving.
  • Coat well with your favorite rub.  I have grown to like Bad Byron's Butt Rub for Pork butts.
  • Place in smoker at 225 deg. F  for about 8-14 hours depending on smoker and size of butt, using your favorite smoke wood.   I normally use a mixture of hickory, oak, pecan and a little mesquite.
  • Check with internal thermometer once it gets to about 198-201 remove and wrap in foil then let it rest in an insulated container for a half hour to three before pulling.  Some pull at around 170 but it seems to be easier to pull and just as juicy if you let it ride a little longer in the smoker.
Note: If reheating left overs spritz with a little apple cider.

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